Sunday, September 29, 2013

Load ASP.NET page routes from XML file using C#

Want to load your ASP.NET page routes from an XML file? Here is a sample file and a short snippet of code to load them. This supports not only basic page routes, but default items and route constraints.

Have fun!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<pageRoute routeExisting="true">
      <!-- route with no defaults or constraints -->
      <route name="HomePage">
      <!-- route with defaults -->
      <route name="FAQView">
            <default key="id" value="1000" />
      <!-- route with constraints -->
      <route name="ProductView">
            <constraint key="id" value="\d+" />
private void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

   string path = Path.Combine(
   if (File.Exists(path))
      // load file with all page routes
      XElement xmlPageRoutes = XElement.Load(path);

      // set some defaults
      routes.RouteExistingFiles = (bool)xmlPageRoutes.Attribute("routeExisting");

      // map each individual route
      foreach (XElement xmlRoute in xmlPageRoutes.XPathSelectElements("routes/route"))
         // defaults
         RouteValueDictionary defaults = new RouteValueDictionary();
         foreach (XElement def in xmlRoute.XPathSelectElements("defaults/default"))
            defaults.Add((string)def.Attribute("key"), (string)def.Attribute("value"));

         RouteValueDictionary constraints = new RouteValueDictionary();
         foreach (XElement def in xmlRoute.XPathSelectElements("constraints/constraint"))
            constraints.Add((string)def.Attribute("key"), (string)def.Attribute("value"));


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