Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Use PowerShell to capture database schema

Here is a PowerShell script to capture a database schema. Output is written to a directory/datetime file. Multiple databases/servers can be specified via the XML input file.

To run: ./CaptureSchema.ps1 databases.xml

Here is the PowerShell code:

param ([string]$xmlConfig = $(throw '%argument 1 must be XML configuration file path'))

[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SqlServer.SMO") | out-null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Data") | out-null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Core") | out-null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Linq") | out-null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Xml.Linq") | out-null

function ScriptDatabase([string]$serverName, [string]$dbName)
$fileName = [String]::Format("{0} {1}.sql", [DateTime]::Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss"), $dbName)
[Console]::Write("Server: $serverName, Database: $dbName, Output: `"$fileName`" . . . ")

$srv = new-object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server" $serverName
$db = new-object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Database"
$scr = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter"

$db = $srv.Databases[$dbName]

$scr.Server = $srv
$options = New-Object "Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.ScriptingOptions"

$options.ClusteredIndexes = $true
$options.Default = $true
$options.DriAll = $true
$options.Indexes = $true
$options.IncludeHeaders = $true
$options.Triggers = $true
$options.AppendToFile = $false
$options.FileName = "$pwd\$fileName"
$options.ToFileOnly = $true

# output all db tables
$scr.Options = $options
$tables = $db.Tables
if ($tables -ne $null)

# output all sprocs
$options.AppendToFile = $true
$sprocs = $db.StoredProcedures | where {$_.IsSystemObject -eq $false}
if ($sprocs -ne $null)

# output all db views
$views = $db.Views | where {$_.IsSystemObject -eq $false}
if ($views -ne $null)



function SaveSchema($xmlDb)
# make folder if not exists yet
$dbName = $xmlDb.Element("Name").Value
$dirName = ".\$dbName"
if ((Test-Path -path $dirName) -eq $False)
"Creating directory $dirName..."
ni -type directory $dirName | out-null

# save the schema
$serverName = $xmlDb.Element("Server").Value

$prevDir = $pwd
set-location $dirName
ScriptDatabase $serverName $dbName
set-location $prevDir

# main

$xml = [System.Xml.Linq.XElement]::Load((Resolve-Path "$xmlConfig"))

foreach($db in $xml.Elements("Database"))
if ($db.Attribute("Enabled").Value -eq $true)
SaveSchema $db


Here is the XML input file:
<Database Enabled="true">
<!-- repeat the Database element if more
than one database schema to capture -->


Unknown said...

Paul, There really needs to be an easier way to get at the snippets you post.

Perhaps a download package link, giving a zipfile of all the snippets? Or something similar

Unknown said...

Paul, Also good to note that since this script uses XElement, Linq is required, therefore .Net 3.5 is required.

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