Monday, December 10, 2007

Powershell Cmdlet and Alias listing

Generate a list of PowerShell Cmdlets:

ls -recurse $PSHOME *-Help.xml | foreach {
$fileName = $_.Name
$help = [xml](gc $_.fullName)
$help.helpitems.command | foreach {
write-output ([string]::format("{0}`t{1}`t{2}`t{3}",$,$_.details.description.get_InnerText().trim(),$_.description.get_InnerText().trim().replace("`n", " "),$fileName))

Generate a list of Aliases:

get-alias | sort -property Name | select Name, Definition |% {
write-output ([string]::format("{0}`t{1}", $_.Name,$_.Definition))

Each output is tab delimited.

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