Thursday, June 21, 2012

Determine which process has a file locked - Windows 7

Are you getting that "can't delete" or "can't rename" a file because it is in use message.  On Windows 7 you can use the Resource Monitor (just type the name into the Start search box to find it) to easily find out which process has a file locked.

Start the Resource Monitor and switch to the CPU tab.  Just type the file name into the Associated Handles search box and you will be able to see which processes have matching file names locked.  To kill the process, just right-click and choose "End Process".

Easy as pie and all part of Windows 7.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Better regular expression for phone numbers (multiple formats)

I'm often surprised at how often websites only accept a specific format for phone number input (U.S.) so I thought I would post a more flexible input format.

We want to allow users to enter phone numbers in formats like:

(123) 456-7890

Using a regular expression, we can allow all these formats and more.


Notice that we specify regular expression group names to easily pick up the phone number parts. In C#, this can be done like:

string prefix = match.Groups["Prefix"].Value;

Finally, here the some C# code to kick things off.

Regex rePhone = new Regex(@"^\s*[(]?(?<AreaCode>\d{3})[)]?(\s*|[.-])(?<Prefix>\d{3})(\s*|[.-])?(?<LineNumber>\d{4})\s*$");
Match match = rePhone.Match("123.456.7890");

Monday, June 11, 2012

Can't RDP? How to enable / disable virtual machine firewall for Azure VM

Oh no!  I accidentally blocked the RDP port on an Azure virtual machine which resulted in not being able to log into the VM anymore.  I did ...